Friday, April 13, 2018

By Antonio Bernal
August 20, 2000
    In  the  sixteenth  Century,  Spain  colonized the  American mainland,  Guam,  Puerto  Rico,  Cuba  and  the Philippines. The Caribbean  colonies  developed  a  rich  African-Spanish mixture, the  Pacific  Island  colonies  developed  a  rich  Asian-Spanish mixture,   and   the   mainland   Americans  developed   a  rich Indigenous-Spanish   mixture.   This  mestizaje  was  racial  and cultural.  The  actual  Spanish  population  was  always  in  the minority.   In Mexico, as in other places, Spaniards intermarried with  the  Native Americans to the extent that after Independence they  ceased  to  exist  as  an  ethnic  group. The criollos that remained  considered  themselves  Mexicans,  not the loathed Spaniards. While Spanish  became  widely  spoken,  in  spite of genocidal efforts the  Native  languages and customs  did not disappear, and rather than  the  Natives  becoming  Hispanicized,  the Spaniards became Americanized,  developing  a  taste  for Native food and customs, as well as Native partners in marriage.
    It   is  hard  to  believe  that  people  consider  Mexicans Hispanic.   One  need  only walk around the Aztec capital (Mexico is  not  a  Spanish  word)  to  see  people today in the big city wearing native  clothes, braids and  huaraches as a matter of course. Those  that  do  not,  have  identical  features to those who do. As  far  as  a  ruling elite, it is true that Mexican   politicians   and  industrialists  tend  to  be European-looking,   but  it  also  true  that some  of  Mexico's presidents, such as Juárez and Díaz, were full-blooded indigenous people. How many African-American or Mexican presidents has the United States had?  Many Mexican intellectuals are indigenous  (De  la  Cabada, Altamirano,  Goitia).  The  same indigenous strength is obvious in  Yucatán and Guatemala. People walk  around  speaking  Maya  in  their  daily activities. In other parts of the Republic there are more than one million Nahuatl speakers today. In Sonora and Sinaloa,  where  the  indigenous  people  look  more European, that is,  they  are  tall  and  their  skin  is  lighter,    the  fact  that  a man or woman is dressed in a suit or  high  heels  does  not prevent them from being Yaqui or Seri. Proof that "Hispanic" is strictly an Anglo concept  is the attitude Anglos have about race mixing. To them, "half breed" is an attribute of contempt, while a Mexican will call himself "mestizo" with pride in his native heritage. Any observant gringo, if he bothered to notice at all, would soon realize the dearth of Spanish symbols in Chicano, Mexican  or Central American iconography. There are no castanets, no mantillas, no paella, no flamenco. Instead we find the Aztec serpent and eagle on the Mexican flag, the feathered shield, the quetzal, the tamal, the coyotl. It seems the native people are trying to tell us something.

    To say Mexicans are Spanish is to show the most spectacular ignorance of  history,  but  most  importantly, they themselves would laugh in  amazement  at  the  idea. Only Mexicans who have gone through U.S.  public  schools  can  say they are Hispanic with a straight face. The idea does not exist south of the Río Bravo.

    Mexico City was founded by the Mexicas in 1325. The Mexican empire streched all the from from today's state of Colorado to Panama.  In 1978 the godess Coyolxauhqui was discovered under some priceless Spanish Colonial buildings next to the zócalo in México City. A few people objected to tearing the Colonial buildings down, but there was no contest; the Aztec buildings were more important.   The buildings came down to reveal the ruins of the Aztec ceremonial center for the first time in almost 500 years. 
             How  can  Rigoberta  Menchú,  who  has not a drop of Spanish blood  and  didn't even speak Spanish until she was 10, be called a  Hispanic?   If  she  can't, then why should Dolores del Río be called a Hispanic? Dolores, who wore furs and diamonds and stayed at  the  Plaza,  and  who  made  a perfectly convincing Otomí  in María  Candelaria.  Aurora  Bautista,  a Spanish actress, contemporary  of  Dolores,  could  not  have done it. Why should  María Félix, who hobnobbed with Cocteau and Jean Gabin, and had a grandfather who was a full-blooded Yaqui, and proud of it, be called Hispanic?  Columba Domínguez's grandmother was also indigenous. El Indio Fernández speaks for himself. The list goes on ad infinitum.  The fact is that  Mexicans,  whatever  their color, are Native Americans, and if  there  is  a  small amount of Spanish blood in them, there is little  Spanish  culture,  other  than  language and a few  token institutions,  such  as  Catholicism,  remaining.  One  must bear in  mind  that  many  Mexican  presidents (notably Cárdenas) have waged open wars on the  Church,  confiscating  their  lands,  turning  the buildings into libraries and forbidding their prelates to wear their habits in  the  street. Anti-Catholicism has a long tradition in México, precisely  because  Catholicism  is considered a foreign ideology identified with the hated Spaniards, and the Conquest. In 1810, the people of Guanajuato rioted and broke into the Alhóndiga de Granaditas, took out 138 Spanish prisoners there and murdered them  in cold blood. That scene was repeated thousands of times throughout Mexico's Colonial history. Don't Anglos realize that September 16th, the famous Mexican holiday with parades, food and dancing, is celebrating the death of the gachupines? Apparently not.  Although mistrusting Catholicism, they have always supported the missions, which were indeed Spanish, as the central infrastructure. The anti-indigenous bias is obvious.
    It  is  not  even  a question of Spanish blood. Mexicans are heavily  intermarried  with  Germans,  Jews,  Arabs and Africans. Some  Mexican  last  names; Herzog, Betancourt, Leduc, Caen, Haro,  Awad, Mansour, Eherenberg, Ripstein, Von  Bertab,   Poniatowska  and  Yampolska. There are millions of indigenous  last  names. In Yucatán we find, among many others, Pech,  Balam, Canché, Canek, and in other parts, such names as Suboqui, Ocomol, Xaxni, Nucamendi, Equihua, Cuautle, Coyote, Chimal, Xiu (who count 46 generations to date),   Teopantitla and Jolote, are common. The  Moctezumas,   are  direct  descendants of the Emperor, with papers to prove it.  Not a Hispanic in the lot.
          If  the  foregoing  is  true,  why the rabid insistence that Mexicans  are  Spaniards? U.S. Americans do not wish to be called "British".  Filipinos  are considered Asian, not "Hispanic",  yet they  were  colonized  by Spain and speak Spanish (Many even have Spanish  last  names,  such as Monteverde, Romero and Silvestre). Why  are  Mexicans,  who  were  colonized  by  Spain  as were the Filipinos,  and  speak Spanish as they do, clamorously singled out  for  the  "honor"  of  being  called Spanish? The answer can only be political.
          The term Hispanic came from the fevered mind of a Washington bureaucrat,  not  from contemporary reality or history. The Protestant English people  on  the  East  Coast  of  the U.S. who only recognize the colonizers,  not  the colonized, have been fighting the wars with Spain  and  Catholicism  since  the  time  of Queen Elizabeth the First.  They  took  American lands from Spain, and never bothered to  find  out  that  the  people on these lands  are not Spanish. Refusing to  intermarry,  for years they have been harping that there were no  more  "Indians"  (The  Last  of  the Mohicans, The End of the Trail,  Ishi,  the  Last of his Tribe, etc.)  They have also been harping  that  there were no more Mexicans, whose Spanish masters (Californio  aristocrats,  not  Mexicans, according to the scenario) played guitars to their dark-eyed señoritas. All gone. Their descendants have assimilated and  salute  the  U.S.  flag.  Good  citizens of Spanish descent, like Rita Hayworth.
    The gauche Anglo mantra  goes like this: First there were Indians, who were cruelly conquered by the Spanish. (according to the narrative, Spanish cruelty was much worse than Anglo cruelty- the North Americans are always the good guys). Then the Indians all magically disappeared from the Midwest and left the land empty for the pioneers. There were no Mexicans in the U.S.   Mexicans were in Mexico, Spain.  They picked a war with the peace-loving US, but then it was over and the Southwest was empty to make room for the pioneers. Brown skinned people in the US  have a "Hispanic" ancestry, which means they are foreigners from Europe.  If they don't come into the country with permission from immigration, as the Anglos did through Ellis Island, then they are illegal and should be sent back.
           The facts are otherwise. Mexicans are  Aztec,  Otomí, Maya,  Huichol,  and  Yaqui (the list goes on)  who intermarried with Spaniards,  Jews,  Arabs, Germans and Africans, as well as with Chumash,  Gabrielino,  Comanche,   Apache  and  Pueblo.   Mexicans are  native  Americans who did not come from Europe. Should there be  any  doubt,  the  biological  evidence  is  irrefutable. Most Mexicans  are  born  with  the  Mongolian birthmark, a dark stain at  the base of the spine that lightens as the child grows older. This  characteristic  is  totally  absent  among  Europeans,  but present  in  indigenous  people,  whether North, Central or South American.   The   only   foreigners   in   the   picture   are  the European-Americans themselves.