1821- independence after fighting 17 years
Lupe is born in 1830
1845 Celebrate fiestas patrias
1846- Gringos invade
1850- Jacinto becomes outlaw
1863- Jacinto is killed Lupe is 23
1820--More mexicans come into LA IT TAKES away monterey as the political social and cultural center of california.
There are town meetingsx where tge best families discuss iassues. Poors and indians also attend.
Gobernador joaquin sola- celebra la independencia de mexico con fiestas publicas.
Elecciones para diputado en el congreso.
Fidencio (Shouting as he drives up) Don Rumaldo! There is a meeting at the Plaza! México has declared war on the gachupines!
(The whole family runs outside)
Fidencio (Out of breath). El cura de Guanajuato is leading an army to México City to overthrow the viceroy. Mayor Soto got a letter and is going to read it in the Plaza to let everybody know.
Armida Come in, Fidencio. Please sit down and have some dinner.
Fidencio Thank you, señora.
Rumaldo What are the rabble rousers after?
(Close up. Fidencio takes out a copy of a pamphlet, El Despertador Americano Dissolve to Mayor speaking before the crowd at the Plaza. It is late afternoon. )
Mayor Iturrigaray has been thrown out, and replaced by the Archbishop of Mexico. Our destiny no longer depends on the viceroy—its in our hands. Now we can run our own country and don't have to pay taxes. Aguascalientes, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí are all up in arms.
(Dissolve to local Indians burning down a church, looting pillaging, priests are running, women screaming, etc).
The population is gathered at La placita. There are Mexican flags and bunting.
The Spaniards have surrendered and the Ejército Trigarante has entered the Aztec capital. Now is the hour to declare our loyalty to our country.
There is a ceremony in which the Spanish flag is lowered and the Mexican flag is raised.
Viva México!
The fireworks show to celebrate independence.
Sola is elected. The church is still loyal to spain and doesnt accept independence. Sola insults and threatens the priesat so he leaves in a huff. El canonigo de durango arrives with pomp to make the church heel. The spanish flag goes down, the mexican flag goes up.
Manuel gutierrez becomes the first mayor. He was jj dominguez mayordom. He renounces his loyalty to spain, then is electe (ceremony).
Scene at the dock- loading anf unloading supplies- furs, leather and cebo. This commercew is under the control of the priests.
1830 Lupe is born
Dissolve to Old grandmother, wearing habitual black lace mantilla, but without a peineta, talking to her granddaughter Lupe who is about 15. Walking along the ranch toward the river. There are horses about in a corral.
(Live flashbacks over dialog showing Julia and Rigoberto.).
It was during a cattle drive. Juan José Domínguez was taking a thousand cattle from San Diego to Los Angeles, when your great grandmotherJulia saw Rigoberto. It was a flechazo. She had never seen a prettier man in her life, and she made up her mind.
Lupe To do what, abuela?
Well, you know how women do. She made sure he went to church so they could meet there. You think church is just for praying? In no time at all they were married. There was no stopping Doña Julia when she made up her mind. Damn my Mother in law was stubborn.
They had to get married twice, once by the church and once by the Chumash ceremony. Then they built this house.
A horse and carriage come up a lane which is lined with oak trees.
Juana talks about the gossip of the day- withoput understanding; spies, gringos, etc
Los gringos son como los espanoles
no they're much worse- they're Protestants
there's a strong bond between the grandmother and the little girl
they talk about love
Dogs come out to greet them. They have arrived at an old Colonial style ranch house with cool interiors, while outside is the semi-desert heat. There are servants and ranch hands about, some with Indians features and some with African features. There are people in the parlor.
Priest Soto is power-hungry. Two fanegas of corn! They've always charged one, and now they doubled it! Where is it going to stop? Next they will be asking for church lands to pay off taxes.
Rumaldo Monseñor, don't forget we have to build up a school. The road to the river gets impassable during flooding, and there are bridges to be built.
(Close up of the two men conspiratorially)
I'll put in a word to the governor to help you with your new school also. . After all you Jesuits give the best service to the Lord, and he won't say no.
The grandmother and Juana come in.
Buenas tardes.
Priest There's Lupe! (Smiles, to Rumaldo) You're starting to look like a father in law. (Pinches her cheek, to her embarrassment).
(Rumaldo and priest go outside to the waiting carriage).
The church is always complaining that indians and mexicans encroach on their lands- squatters. NO LEDA VEWRGUENZA, PADRE. You have lands all the way to san bernardino.
Those lands belong to go
Rumaldo I hope you'll attend the community meeting. Governor de Borica is going to make the announcement. They're going to distribute free sheep and land to encourage wool production. That will certainly bring in a tidy sum to the Mission. (Teasing) You can even supply wool to your Russian friends.
Priest Uhhhhhhh (smacks lips disapprovingly) I don't have any Russian friends.
Rumaldo Sorry, father. (laughs).
(Lupe standing in the entryway, watching.)
Rumaldo And now, what were doing down by the river by yourself?
Lupe I wasn't by myself, I was with mi abuelita.
Rumaldo Mmmmm. (Joking) Your abuelita isnt going to protect you from those indios. They'll carry you off and well never see you again.
Armida appears in entryway.
Armida Rumaldo, don't forget my grandfather was a full blooded Chumash. Stop talking nonsense and come and eat.
(Seated at table are Armida, Rumaldo, Julia and her three brothers).
Discussion around dinneer table-
no les digas gachupines
why are wearistrocrats
the castillo ledon are
theytre not tthyewy made their money selling bveef to the golkd diggers
and chargewd scalpers prices too
well thats how they could build that huge hacienda
tomasa saays they have a piano the came from europe somewhere,
Rumaldo Armida, I want you to pack for a trip to the puerto tomorrow. A ship has arrived from Perú and we need to buy things for the ranch.
Lupe Can I come too? I want a manton de Manila!
Brother 1 And I want a sombrero cordobés!
Brother 2 What are you going to do with a sombrero cordobés. You'll look like a fool.
Brother 1 Not as much as a fool as that sombrero the paja you're always carrying around.
(They start wrestling)
Rumaldo THAT'S ENOUGH! You wont go to the fiestas patrias.
(The boys stop instantly)
Fiesta in the plaza on 16 of sept. 1845
Viva Mexico!
(The crowd responds. There is candelight all over the Plaza. People are selling antojitos cooked over charcoal burners. The Ortega family, dressed elegantly, move among the crowd. Jacinto follows them trying not to be noticed, looking at Lupe. She knows he's there but pretends not to see him.)
Jacinto tends sheep.
drawing water from a well
the Indians are used as servants
they're bringing food in- bread on a cutting board
the old gent is taking a bath in a portable tub, reading the paper and commenting on the latest
the men have mistresses
the titles come over all the action
rural life depicted= desert and scrub oak
(Murmurs of surprise from the crowd. Jacinto, dressed in Chumash clothes, good looking, moves along the crowd exchanging hot looks with Lupe).
Organ grinder (pan past) Posters on the streets advertsing the candidacy of José Palomares for diputado.
Next day. Cattle are being branded. The peones are up before dawn getting ready for the roundup. The sun starts to come up.
Kitchen. Lupe is helping to get the breakfast ready.
Foreman Breakfast. Come and eat.!
Lupe I would help you take the food down to the muchachos.
Peon your mother will have to say something about that..
Jacinto sees her and shows off for her in the roundup.
Lupe hands him some food. Are you from here? .
Jacinto Im from Syuhtun. (Jacinto eats)
Jacinto (wiping his mouth on his sleeve) I going down to the river this afternoon, when this is over. Do you want to come?
Dissolve the two meet. Lupe has brought some things to eat, which she has put on a blanket. Jacinto is whittling and carving a wooden horse with a pen knife.
Lupe where are your parents?
Jacinto my father was a farmer and my mother was a housewife.
Lupe what happened?
Jacinto they were killed in the war against the gachupas. I have a brother who is a gold prospector. I was in the Mexican army for a while.
Lupe where did you go to school?
Jacinto at the mission.
Lupe I did too, but then my mother set up a school room where we live for the kids in the neighborhood. It's too far to go to San Gabriel. The priest wasn't very happy about it though.
Jacinto Esos curas no mas joden.
Lupe you should come by. I give literacy classes three times a week.
Jacinto I know how to read and write.
Lupe oh I didn't mean that. You could just come to visit.
Jacinto well if you put it that way (he moves toward her).
She moves away.
Lupe where did you learn to ride like that?
Jacinto I've been riding all my life. I even on first prize at Huiviris. Look.(he holds out the Bronco that he has been carving).
Lupe for me?
Jacinto nobody else.
Lupe (she kisses the horse as if she were kissing Jacinto, staring into his eyes. As he moves toward her again she turns around away laughing).
Bucolic scenes of sheep, cattle grazing, beautiful wildland.
There are indiand who speak english who bewcome mexican citizens (married to mexicans)
confession in church
Indian exchanges looks
she shows her love in some indirect way
they wear peinetas and veils
old get has a library
there is a voceador selling water, tamales, etc
she has a boyfriend she doesn't like
shes too democratic
he wants to marry her but he doesnt
gathering people play games. The old men sit and talk the grandmother, the servants, food the priest Lupes birthday food
the priests are formal and polite with each other- they are connected to the governor, politicians
liberating atmosphere of independence
play the guitar- song- danza criolla
tecolote de guadaññ, mama carlota
Indian is around , looking hot looks
he sends her a token, which she keeps in secret
she has a gay friend (unidentified as such)
there is violence - an Indian has been beaten? His wife screams and throws herself on him
the police are out-
Lupe shows her sympathy
jacinto speaks and lupe close up falls in love
sitting around the table at dinner the men talk about politics the women are silent
there is a line of men voting for mayor andrep in df. Women are on the street selling fritangas.
Ignacio coronel old, white beard,is an elder statesan, school 0preincipal and genuine intellectual (reads avidly what is being read in df). He comments on the action.
Cota the mayor in 1823 names a school principal. Parents pay contributions for his salary. Lupe paysa for a familt that cant affords it. The children pledge allellegiance to the MEWXICAN flag
1825 avila orders a literate indian to copy public documents. He says pagueme. Avila rgues there is no escribano and citizens have to "volunteer". He says pagueme. Avila puts him stocks. Avila is thrown out of office- fired.
A gringo, abel stearns married to a mexiucan woman,. They keep to themselves. Their chilldren are insufferable. Lupes little sister sees them, they call her a name.because they are lightere skin.
1828 mayor carrillo opens letter to father saanchez of the mission which implicates him in smuggling. Hush hush scene. At thew dock, te aduana inspector is notified and opens a carge of contraband furs. The priest pays him off.
1845 pio pico makes a speech, proposing la as the capital of alta ca. Instead of monterey. A government to be proud of, one thatrepresents the mexican republic, based on ideas of equality of all citizens, the promotion of the common good.
Under jose figueroa
Therew is a public proclamation that df has declared la a city and capital of alta califonia, and at the same time the missions are secularized. What is going to happejn to the mission indians? Figueroa offers them jobs. A priest is Among the crowd looking angry and vowing revenge. The terms are; turn them into civil populations. The lands to be disatributed among christianized indians who will be mexican citizens, .administrators to be named by the governor. Political appointees could charge taxes, and become rich.
The complaints about the injustices bring them closer together.
lupe speaks- she violates custom
lupe and jacinto speak in private assignation in the dark in the bushes
she uses usted with him., and he with her until they agree to use tu
priest quotes the bible
books are revolutionary, pregonan la independencia aunque haya pasado
mier y teheran- read aloud
he is so beautiful its hurts her when she looks at him
He is admonished by the foreman (Lupes father?) that he is overstepping myself
lupe with her hay confidant
she remarks that jacinto is better than any of them
she declares her love to someone else
bedroom has palangana and water jug
Their shy and exchange hot looks, and are still virginal.
Lupe and Jacinto live in idyl out in the hillside. Jacinto performs some native dances and song and rituals. She decides she loves him.
the abuela dies-there is a funeral at the church- this frees lupe to go on with her life- jacinto is at the funeral
women have crosses around their necks
they meet outdoors- and an old barn
they kiss passionately
cobbled stoned streets
they meet at night crickets
I cant stop thinking about you
intimate dialog while camera is trained on scenery
some servants are African looking
2 hours siesta- everyone sleeps while she sneaks out
she tries to run away with him, on horseback but has to turn back because?
Romantic interlude
It starts getting dark they have sex. She initiates it. There is a lot of sweetness and intimacy. He lays his head on her breasts. The moon.
She gets back to the house and make up a story about why she is late.
1825 - Los Angeles is affected by heavy flooding.
It rains and Jacinto and Lupe seek refuge in a barn. They have sex there.
Lupe is thrown by a horse and Jacinto comes to her aid . He wets a handkerchief for her cut face and carries her back to the house.
He brings her a present Welsh is laying up in the bed.
Jacinto kills a deer skins it
Lupe needs to piss out in the open, Jacinto averts his eyes.
Luciano Valdez is named Principal of the town school.1826 -
A group of U.S. hunters arrives at San Gabriel, headed by Jedediah Smith. LARRY LYNCH IS WITH THEM, they come strolling in, asking for directions. Lynch speaks Spanish. Larry pinches Micaela cheek. The students laugh as make a head on covers her face with her apron.
There are gas lamps outside establishments at night
1830 -Mexicans constitute the biggest part of the population. The growth of private ranches constitutes a danger to the Missions. Legal commerce increases. Merchants pay tariffs in Monterey and San Pedro. There exists a rivalry between Monterey and Los Angeles
to obtain military and political leadership. The Missions are secularized, there is an increase in the number of ranches. A provincial elite with political power and property which had belonged to the Missions is created.
Threats from the United States increase.
The population numbers 1,160 in Los Angeles with 2,377 Indians, primarily at the Missions.
Politically, the most powerful family in Alta California is the
Carrillo family. The brothers,
Jos‚ Antonio, Anastasio and
Carlos Antonio, have influence in the region and in the Mexican Congress. México adopts a centralized government in which the States and Territories become "Departments". Alta California is divided into two districts. The question whether politicians should be elected by Californians or México City officials becomes a point of heated argument
Pío Pico
moves from San Diego to live in Los Angeles. Protected by Juan Bandini, a San Diego politician, Pico is one of the richest men in Los Angeles.
Andrés Pico is commander of the Mexican army in Los Angeles.
There is the formation of a mutualist society, Los Amigos del País to give social security pensions and encourage literary readings.
With the secularization of the Missions, Indian converts are divided between those that go to the city, often through marriage with Mexicans, and those that establish themselves with other tribes to avoid assimilation. Unlike the deportations of Andrew Jackson, Indians, although they may lose their lands in the Missions, can continue as members of the community.
There in an increase in grants of Mission lands, with which commercial export increases to 100,000 animal skins, 2,500 measures (centenas) of lard and soap.
Pío Pico marries María Ignacia Alvarado with governor Figueroa acting as god father.
1836 -The Mexican government names Los Angeles a City, turning it into the economic, political and social center of Southern Alta California. .
There is a roundup and cattle drive to Sonoma, where they family becomes aware of the Bear Flag.
US cowboys trek across the desert. A US flag of the period is seen.
1837 - Some ranches established at this time are; Azusa (Duarte), (Dalton), La Cañada, La Habra, San Pascual, Santa Anita, Temescal, Tujunga.
In order for a ranch to be successful, it should have cattle and horses, increase the work force and produce commercial goods. Ranches never become feudal property, much less inhabited by "Spanish aristocrats".
1838 -Ignacio Coronel from México City, is named principal of the Los Angeles school.
1840 -Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside are occupied by "gente de razón" and U.S. Indians who recognize Mexican sovereignty.
1842 - Juan López discovers gold nuggets in San Fernando.1842-juan lopez en placeritas is chasing a cow that haS moved off. He stops to take a piss and the water uncovers a pipta de oro.
1844 - The Los Angeles population reaches 3,000.
Efforts are made to build new buildings and put in public lighting. Clubs, a dance hall and reading circles are established. The schools are kept up.
1844 His brother Jesus contracts marriage with Mariana Miranda
1845 president Polk uses Thomas Larkin in Monterrey, Calif as agent to base the conquest of California.
The Aguayo family is seen on the horizon in a stagecoach with all the belongings tied on top. They are fleeing the Yankee takeover of Sonoma
Sra Aguayo is overweight and overbearing.
Sra Aguayo
Where did I put my purse? Anacleto, have you seen my purse? Look By your feet. Andale menso! Where's the hotel where's the hotel?
People are crowding into the hotel trying to find rooms. There is much confusion.
Sra Aguayo is talking to people in the hotel.
Sra Aguayo
We ran for our lives. They set up some kind of Flag up their saying that the owned the territory.
Hotel customer was it like this? (Holds up a drawing of the Bear flag)
Sra Aguayo That's it! I swear it's the work of the devil.
Sra Aguayo I told Demetrio that the Yankees were up to something. Francisquita said that Anacleto had told her that they were getting ready for war. General Castro even went so far as to get the Indians in Sacramento to surround the Yankees settlements and burn them down if necessary, and expel the gringos.
Don Aguayo (laughing). What was his name.. Sootrer, sother, what names they have!
Dona Aguayo I don't see there's anything to laugh about. Can you believe it? They wanted to have their own state!
Don aguayo Then they came up with that stupid flag with the cochino on it.
Dona Aguayo República de California. What Nerve! We already have a Republic. What you think we fought 17 years for? My grandfather died fighting thew gachupines and now this.
Dona Aguayo Oh! And I forgot! They raise the stars and stripes over the fort.
(Dissolved to the meeting at City Hall)
Manuel Victoria
Gentlemen of call you in today because we had to discuss an important matter. There are rumors that Americans are moving down from Sonoma, and others are coming our way of Yuma Pass to San Diego. We need to meet with them and see what they want. If they come in peace we will be happy to do business with them.
Pico, Governor R. You're planning to run again?
Carrillo With all respect sir, you don't have the votes .
Pico What we need now is to fight the Yankees, not to appease them. Everybody is talking about how they surrounded general Vallejo's house and arrested everybody in the middle of the night. You can't get any votes by trying to have talks with them. . The people are storing guns and other weapons knives everything they can get their hands on and hiding them in their homes.
Bandini This is not the time for negotiations. We are going to be attacked. We have to form a strong defense
Victoria Gentlemen, gentlemen, please. I hoped to get your endorsement. Does anyone have a better suggestion?
Pico walks around the table posts his hands on Echandia's shoulders.
Before he can speak, there is a severe earthquake. Everyone rushes outdoorswhere the streets are full of people. Jacinta is crying hysterically.
Lupe there now shhhhh it's over. Their is nothing to worry about. See? Nothing fell down.
Jainta father Olmedo said it was the devil trying to get out.(this sets off a new wave of tears)
Pico (In Carrillo's ear) God has spoken. Manual will never be mayor again. (They chuckle).
Meanwhile back at the ranch
it's a scandal they find her-- he escapes
they declare their love for each other with letters. Lupes mother find one and forbifs her to see him ever."Are you pregnant?" she denies it. On condition taht she mary xxxx nothing further will be said.
Someone recognizes him mercenary paid for by the gringos- turns him in
the people hide him and save him
collusion bewteen the law and the church
1845 Commodore John Drake Sloat disembarks with 250 marines in Monterrey, hoping to spark a popular revolt that does not materialize. Sloat is replaced by Robert Stockton, an expansionist without scruples, while Fremont arrives from the Northwest with a battalion of volunteers, Anglo-Saxons and mercenaries. The naval force is under the command of Captain Archibald Guillespie, at the same time that the troops of General Kearney advance from New Mexico.
In Los Angeles there is a defense group headed by Jose Maria Flowers, that pursues and corners the gringos. In spite of being badly armed, they beat Guillespie and make him surrender.
1845 - Some of the ranches established at this time are; Los Alamos, El Encino, Santa Catalina, La Puente, San Fernando, Potrero Grande, San Francisquito.
The Missionaries consider the religious conversion of the Indians top priority. Public officials feel that the Missions are subordinate to the Presidios and the towns. Missionaries continue to be loyal to Spain, while the secular majority remains loyal to México.
The National Government withdraws Manuel Micheltorena and confirms Pío Pico as governor, with Los Angeles, which has the largest population, as the Capital. The people of Monterey, always fighting to control the governorship, the representatives, taxes and the military, protest. An agreement is reached so that while Los Angeles takes control of the governor and the Legislature, Monterey may keep control of customs and the military.
In front of Elysian Park, there is a system of canals dug to supply water to the ranches. The canals are the property of all the people. Crops are; corn, beans, barley and wheat, besides chile, squash, coriander and melon. There is an increase in herds of horses and cattle. There is a commercial exchange with the pagan, (not Christianized) Indians, who are used to trading between California, Nevada, Colorado and Arizona.
Class distinctions develop, based on the economic exploitation of the Indians by Mexican ranchers.
Tyler gives Taylor orders to penetrate Texas in Mexican territory as a provocation for war.
Diplomatic relations between México and the United States are broken.
1846 - Abel Stearns, who was nationalized a Mexican, works in secret to support U.S . interests.
The U.S. army and Naval Force invade Alta California. There is a Department meeting to decide on a defensive course of action. Pío Pico tries to get military help from México. He is ordered to remain in Guaymas and Hermosillo. Charles Frémont incites a revolt in San Fernando. U.S. colonizers proclaim a false republic in Sonoma. Los Angeles and other towns are occupied. Popular resistance breaks out all over the State. Stockton leaves a garrison under Gillespie's orders to occupy Los Angeles. Gillespie arbitrarily humiliates the population and arrests many innocent citizens, treating them like an inferior race.
gossip- around dinner tablethere are rumors aboutmex and us at war. Catsby jones belived the rumors and invaded monterey. Put up the us flag and when he finds out there is no war he has to take it down and apologize to micheltorena gov. everybody laughs a the stupid gringo, but the parents are worried.
1846 Estalla the war against Mexico. William Byrnes deserts and it takes refuge in Altar, Sonora, being apprehended by the Mexican forces, whose trimming this to you order them of the CAP Jose Maria Jacinto, tio of Jacinto. the
1846 invaders are intercepted by 65 Mexicans in the passage of San Pascual, near San Diego. Guidances by Andres Pico, attack I exercise of the West, winning the battle and killing 18 Americans, without undergoing no loss.
Servulio Varela and Leonardo Cota organize a popular uprising against the military occupation of the U.S. Americans. Half the population signs a proclamation that states that the U.S. Americans want to subjugate Mexicans into slavery, destroy industry and agriculture to better take it over, and force them off their property. It states that all
California wants to do is to remain part of México. U.S. authority is rejected. Those who side with the Gringos will be declared traitors and shot, as will be those who do not take up arms in defense of Mexican California. All U.S. property will be confiscated to pay for the defense against the invasion. In view of the subsequent resistance, this documents expresses the true feelings of Angelinos.
José María Jacinto is named Commander in Chief, José Antonio Carrillo is named Major General, Andrés Pico is Squadron Commander. Servulio Varela is commander of 50 volunteers who arrest 20 U.S. Americans under the command of Isaac Williams. September 26 and 27 Mexicans attack and defeat the enemy at Rancho Chino. On September 26, Gillespie and the garrison entrenched at the Board of Education surrender to Mexican Angelinos. (Micalea is vindicated)
On October 4, they are allowed to march to San Diego and board the Vandalia. Hundreds of more volunteers join Jacinto's forces. Guerrilla attacks start up in Santa Barbara and the north.
All of Alta California is once again in the hands of Mexicans. Nevertheless, the enemy has 3,000 men and five fully armed warships. The Mexicans only have 700 men with
On October 6 Mervine brings troops on the Savannah to San Diego. He invades Rancho Domínguez with 400 marines. Carrillo counters the attack on the 8th. Angelinos manage to kill 6 U.S. Americans and wound another 6. There are no Mexicans wounded and the U.S. Captain is forced to retreat to the ship. One hundred Mexican cowboys defeat one hundred well- armed marines. On October 23, Stockton disembarks from the Congress with 800 men to prepare for a new invasion. There are skirmishes in San Pedro. Carrillo adopts tricks to frighten the enemy, appearing to have more troops than in reality, and Stockton withdraws to San Diego.
On December 6 and 7 the Battle of San Pascual takes place near Escondido, with a Mexican victory. Andrés Pico, with 80 men armed with lances, faces Kearney with 140 men, armed with the latest weapons, who have arrived from New México under President Polk's orders and guided by Kit Carson.
Under the conviction that Mexicans are cowards and "the greasers will not fight", they are attacked at dawn on the 6th, and in spite of being more numerous, are defeated by the Angelinos. Pico's lancers attack from all sides. Kit Carson escapes to ask Stockton for help. 14 U.S. Americans die, but no Mexican, in spite of the fact that the Gringos have heavy artillery, sabers and pistols.
A few days after, 200 men arrive from San Diego to rescue Kearney, who declares a victory, even though he was defeated and lost his right arm in the bargain.
Total war is unleashed against the Mexicans. Frémont's forces arrive from the north and join two other newly arrived regiments. Stockton leaves San Diego with 600 men. The Angelinos have, by necessity, young cadets and men between 50 and 60 years old.
Micaela heads a group of Mexican women also offer resistance to the invaders.
1847 Fremont arrives at Los Angeles. Flowers to the front of the Mexicans are overcome. I exercise of Kearney enters Los Angeles. Pico is defeated in the Passage of Cahuenga and a treaty of fire cease is signed.
1847 - The Battle on the San Gabriel River is fought. The Angelinos are defeated.
The Battle of La Mesa (City of Industry) is fought. The Angelinos are defeated.
On January 10, Pico and Carrillo act as representatives of the military and civil authorities of the Mexican Department of Alta California upon signing the Treaty of
Cahuenga. The treaty declares a truce and suspends hostilities until the end of the war between the two nations.
The Mormon Battalions of Coronel Stevenson's volunteers arrive from New York. They set up Fort Moore, on the Board of Education site, and at gun point force the Mexicans to submit to the political sovereignty of the United States.
There are muddy streets in Los Angeles cards pushing through getting stuck, the streets are full of Chinese Irish the German French Chileans, Peruvians and Mexicans. There are dogs on the street, people selling things, pregoneros, etc.
the Peruvians are called cholos.
1848 - The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed in México City. It guarantees Mexicans in the new territories United States citizenship, the right to continue in the Roman Catholic
Church, and protection of land ownership.
A few Mexican ranchers become fabulously wealthy selling meat at the highest prices to the gold prospectors. ($1,000 a head makes a Mexican elite rich).
1848 the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed. "To civilize the savages"
PEACE- short lived
Larry Lynch the gringo sells a mule to Rumaldo, then accuses him
of stealing it when Rumaldo takes it
Lynch calls him a nigger.
town hall meeting. Don Rumaldo is brought in in handcuffs by the mercenaries, who accused him of stealing their cattle. The gringos unanimously fined him guilty, and he is sentenced to hang. Armida Lupe and Jacinto watch from the back of the Room.
Jacinto goes off by himself on his horse. joins MURIETTA
Jacinto's fame grows. The Governor offers $1000 for his head.
Larry Lynch organizes a posse
Lupe anyone who looks Mexican is in danger of being shot.
Although violent crimes were unknown in California before the conquest by the United States, after 1846 the poor classes undergo a transformation that frequently includes violence. The Mexican government declares that land grants must remain in original hands, according to treaty, but exploitation and racism are the order of the day, justified by the assumption of "right of conquest" by the Americans. Farms and properties are set afire, women are raped, men are assassinated. .
The gringos who accused Rumaldo move into his house with their family.
Elections are held for Mayor. Angelinos vote for Ignacio Palomares and José Sepúlveda. The U.S. military annul the elections and name Stephen C. Foster as Mayor. Mexicans boycott his authority.
1849 -There is a new Constitution written by Carrillo, Domínguez, Stearns, Reid and Foster. There is a working relationship established between the invaders and the Mexican
1849 In Mokelumne Hill Yankees hit and Chileans, two Yankees muertso and 3 Chileans ahorcados.cuando some French find a rich vein, the Yankees seize of her. When the Mexicans find gold in Rio Calaveras, the Americans arrive to remove them. The sonorenses found a population that soon gets itself to call Sonora. Sonora is invaded by the Americans. 100 Mexicans are arrested and cornered. The Americans order the Mexicans to leave the county of Toulumne.Jesus and Jose, brothers of Jacinto, emigrate to California in search of gold. Jesus is lynched by the Anglos at Murphys Diggins near the Stanislaus River, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada. In Sonora, California, county of Toulumne, a daguerreotype is taken from Joaquin Murrieta Orosco Joaquin marries Carmen Felix in Sonora, Mexico. The couple travel to California to exploit the mine of his murdered brother, but they are assaulted by the gringos. Carmen is raped and murdered. The legislature charges a tax of 20 dollars for every 30 days to the foreign miners, classifying the Mexicans as "foreigners."
there are armed fights between Mexicans and gRingos, while the Mexicans defend their stakes.
The decent people of the town especially the women start agitating to get rid of the foreigners (Mexicans).
becomes lupes friend, (they speak of her For later- gringa as a spanish lady- they become like sisters- jane later warns her that the law isfter jacinto-after lupe has confided in her the whole story)contrast with gringas who make vicious remarks. About"sonora town"
Jacinto begins to forge a plan to join men to fight against the injustices. Unlike some Mexicans who turn their backs on Mexico, calling themselves "Spaniards," and collaborating with the gringos, Murrieta earns the nickname of "the Patriot".
Jacinto gathers up of men around him some of them are actually gringos. Jacintos group meets in secret.
Nighttime. There are 20 horses in the corral. Owls are hooting. The owls turned out to be Jacinto's men, who with her own horses are preparing to Rustle the corral. They take down the gate and at a signal that dry the horses out and take them with them. Lynch comes screaming out shooting, but to no avail.
Next scene. Jacinto and 100 of his men are seen riding hot and heavy
in the daylight with their new horses. Mexican music.(Aaron Coplan)
1851 Jacinto is ladron of horses in the zone of Los Angeles. Teine one blankets call Ana Benitez. 1852 Jacinto and its brother-in-law Reyes Felix and Antonio Valencia are surprised with 20 stolen horses of Farm Crown, being surprised in the Passage of Tejon. The horses, money and clothes take off to them.
1852 brigands of Jacinto number 22, many of sonorenses them, an American and a Chinese-seri mestizo. They rebel themselves during the government of John Bigler, whom they consider to be an usurper. They have the support of the town that shapes its feats in corridos songs and. Fight against the unjust taxes and the abuse of the right assumptions of conquest. They take refuge in the thickness of the Mexican population of the Mother Lode, whose cover is ample and safe. Formacion of a safe place attracts others minorias.. The lieutenant of Jacinto is Manuel Garcia, (Three Fingered Jack).
Jacinto rides into town and tethers his horse. He is stressed elegantly like,a chinaco. A beggar (someone from before) does not recognize him. Jacinto gives him a large bag of money, and keeps ongoing.
Gillespie right of conquest.(winks). Send her in.well of the
Micaela flirts with the gringos. She thinks theyre cute. Littke does she realize that they are making fun of her (like in Iraq) They rape her.
is called in and molested by Gillespie, Jacinto comes back in time and kills him, and becomes an outlaw. They swear of love for each other.
She is avenged by Jacinto group Los Gavilanes.
the Dingell sheriff of Santa Clara County is found dead and the Mexicans are blamed for it.
Jacinto comes back to see Lupe and now he is stressed like a charro or a chinaco. Very elegant, very successful. He plans to take her with him
Lupe and Jacinto have a fight.
Lupe is slated to be married.
The wedding is expensive, in a baronial house. Well dressed gringos attend. Jacinto comes in secretly into her bedroom. Begs her to go with him. They have sex just before she goes out to the ceremony.
Lupe what are you doing here?
Jacinto Are you really going to marry that malinchista?
Lupe What do you want me to do?
Jacinto joins the Mexican army against the gringos. Lupes husband is killed and they are re United.. That love is greater than ever.
Jacinto I wish I could jus t forget about you. I wish things could be the way they were before.
The war separates them. Los Angeles is become a different place.
Lupe rides off in a carriage while Jacinto is a lonely figure in the distance. He close to his parents and grave marker.
Anglo-European merchants and politicians speak Spanish out of necessity, since they are the minority. The main events of this period are; a military occupation and increasing U.S. domination, hostility against the Mexican population and increasing resistance by the Mexican elite and the people, a re-accommodation between a sector of the established Mexican elite and the new Anglo-American elite (malinchismo), composed of public officials, lawyers and merchants, an economic boom due to the gold rush, the loss of Mexican lands, the monopoly of new jobs by Anglo Americans, gang activity and unemployment, U.S. American violence, the collapse of the cattle industry, and the economic depression.
Lebed makes her life, has children, a house.
She's the housework taking care of the children everyday things that make her feel that she is hemmed in.
She is not happy her longing is palpable.
Jacinto has become a full-time outlaw. Lupe goes looking for him and they reunite.
They kiss with extreme passion.
What are we going to do now
There Is nothing we can do
Her husband remains ignorant of everything.
Lupe what do you want Jacinto? Why all this running around?
Leave it to be. We can go away. We can goand live with your parents in Sonora.
Jacinto I want my country back. There aren't that many gringos.
We can send them back when they came from.
Lupe are you crazy? There's thousands, and more are coming every day.
Dissolve to Conestoga wagons.
Song: Jacinto on horseback always moving because being being persecuted by the gringos.
Foreign miners tax
The California legislature puts up posters charging foreign gold miners $20 every 30 days. By foreign may mean Mexican.
1850 - 75% of the population continues to be Mexican. California is admitted into the Union as a State. Elections are held by an Anglo-Mexican elite where Augustín Olvera is elected judge, Benjam¡n Hayes, District Attorney, Ignacio del Valle judge, etc.
Mexicans in the Legislature are forced to listen to the national anthem and wants the Stars & Stripes without comment.
1851 -The first U.S. American population is established in El Monte, predominantly by Texas Rangers, who begin to practice terrorism on the Mexican population. There is a revolt by the Cahuilla Indians, the Kanayaay, the Cocopa and the Mexicans united against the U.S. Americans. Los Angeles becomes a haven for Anglo-European thieves, gamblers and prostitutes, among them Jack Powers, a Mormon soldier, and the Sidney Ducks, an Australian gang.
1851 -The first U.S. American population is established in El Monte, predominantly by Texas Rangers, who begin to practice terrorism on the Mexican population. There is a revolt by the Cahuilla Indians, the Kanayaay, the Cocopa and the Mexicans united against the U.S. Americans. Los Angeles becomes a haven for Anglo-European thieves, gamblers and prostitutes, among them Jack Powers, a Mormon soldier, and the Sidney Ducks, an Australian gang.
The City of Angels has earned the nickname "Los Diablos". Racial tension increases as vigilante committees lynch Mexican gunslingers, letting whites go free or allowing them to escape through transparent legal maneuvers. A deputy sheriff is charged with killing a hard-working family man named Ruíz and is acquitted. The deputy shoots Ruíz while attempting to repossess a guitar purchased on credit. The Los Angeles Rangers step into the tense situation that follows, the third vigilante group formed to deal with "Mexican bandits." The group is made up of 23 prominent judges, lawyers and others, including Horace Bell, Phineas Banning, Judge Benjamin Hayes and Mayor Stephen Foster, who briefly resigns his office to join. Those they take alive were given quick "justice" in the courtroom before being rushed to the nearby gallows.
Juan Flores escapes from San Quentin with a seasoned convict named Pancho Daniel. While fleeing south, they form a gang called Manillas--Handcuffs--made up of 50 fugitives, including former Angelino Andrés Fontes who joins the gang on the promise that Flores help him kill Los Angeles County Sheriff James R. Barton, who has earlier sent him to prison on a trumped-up charge.
1851 bailiff of sherif of the county of Santa Clara is found assassinated and the crime is attributed Mexican. A band of Mexican terrifies Marysville, killing to several people and hurting seriously to sherif of the county of Yuba. One begins to outline to Jacinto Jacinto like lider guerrilero
Lupe husband (reading the newspaper) this Jacinto Benitez is causing some real headaches. I hope they catch him soon.
Lupe why?
Husband what do you mean why? He's killed the sheriff of Santa Clara. He is a bandit. He is outside the law.
Lupe who made the law? Some people say we are outside the law, and we haven't done anything.
Husband well, that's different.
Reyes despues is arrested BY LARRY LYNCH WHO HAS BEEN DEPUTIZED an tortured in Los Angeles by the murder of Joshua Bean, and is condemned to the gift by comite of monitoring, whose in front this Larry Lynch. the
Lupe has a baby signifying the future
Jacinto rots in jail. Bucket for latrine. Grilletes
he with others are taken away. Drumbeats by the army of the west.
Other prisoners behind bars see them go.
After hanging, they are cut down and put into ciffins.the US flag flies over them
1852 Larry Lynch shoots to him cowardly by the back to Pedro Gonzalez. the (ley fuga)
1853 way of the Devil is a route that crosses the Mesillla by where the group of Jacinto deceives the Yankee troops in the contraband of horses and arms that take from California to Sonora. These are helped by the Indian towns in the way; cucapahs, cahuillas and seris. the
1853 governor of California John Bigler orders the search against Jacinto and its men, naming to Larry Lynch to the front of California Rangers.. The payment pays attention to 150 dolares to the month by each ranger.
The Rangers have Kentucky and Tennessee accents.
Ranger This is better'n Texas.
Second Ranger Nah there ain't nothing here.
Ranger whereabouts are planning on going?
Second Ranger me and my buddy are going to Baja to join Walker.
Where the maker ourselves a fortune down there.(they grin and hug each other).
1853 Larry Lynch envia a letter to Bigler Governor informing into the arrest of the brother-in-law of Jacinto, Jesus Felix, a young person of 18 years that lead under TORTURE to Love and his rangers (among them Bill Byrnes that is enlisted in rangers because estadia is said that it is the unico able to identify the "Ghost of Sonora", after his in I preside over of Altar.) to the camping of the Cantua.
NIGHT. The 20 rangers circle the sleeping group of 40 men
Estan Jacinto Valenzuela, Antonio Ochoa, Juan Valenzuela, Antonio Lopez, Antonio Valencia, Fernando Sources the Chilean, Pedro Quiroz and Jose Maria Ochoa. 4 are deads, 2 escape. In order to receive 6 thousands dolares reward,
The head to Valenzuela is cut to him and it is put in exhibition, along with the hand of "Three Fingered Jack".
1853 Lola Montez accepts to act in front of the miners of the Sierra Nevada with the famous dance of the spiders behind previously prevailing in Europe and San Francisco. Irish by birth, it changes his name of Heddle Gilbert to Lola Montez and dies to the 43 years in New York.
Full of life and vinegar was the infamous Lola Montez. Born in
Ireland in 1818, she was an actress of questionable morals and talent. By the time she reached San Francisco, she had been through three marriages and numerous scandals involving the likes of Ludwig I of Bavaria and composer Franz Liszt. When Montez took her famed "spider dance" into the gold fields, it wasn't warmly received. In fact, the miners booed her off the stage. She threatened to horsewhip one newspaper editor who had given her a bad review, and dared another to a duel. -- No
Place for a Woman? By Patricia Cronin Marcello
Glamorous and boldly unconventional, La Lola attracted an enthusiastic following based more on her persona and her beauty than on her talent. She thrilled Gold Rush SanFrancisco with her amorous scandals and famously suggestive "Spider Dance." A "liberated" woman, she was also known for her affairs with Franz Liszt and King Ludwig I of Bavaria. First appearing in San Francisco in May of 1853, Lola Montez spent a year in California's sleepy Sierra town of Grass Valley, where she took an interest in a young neighbor named Lotta Crabtree. -- The San Francisco Performing Arts Library &
Poster advertising t he head of one of Jacinto's men. Ticket money flows fast.
Hurley Burley music.
1859 Aparece I article on "Jacinto Murieta, the Brigand Californian Chief of." Californian The Police Gazette. The legend ofJacinto begins. Countless robberies of cattle and murders are adjudged to him. The Songs of Juan Valenzuela, books of Irineo Peace, others about the Coyote, and the Fox are written. This I complete, under the control of Walt Disney, furious anti-communist and extreme right-winger of Hollywood, is conviertido into the hands of Johnston McCulley, unlike the true Jacinto, in fighter not against the Anglo-Saxons, but as opposed to the Spanish dominion in California. For this concept, it transfers the action to 1820, before independence; Don Diego of the Fertile valley, approached Spanish landed young person in California, incarnates paladin of the town, "sworn enemy of the tyrant who receives imposed altisimos and enslaves the Indians". Professor Acigar publishes librillo in Mexico. Others of Robert Gaillard exist, of Raymond Friday Locke, Frank F. Latta makes studies on the "bandit robavacas". All are products of imagincion, motivated by the profit eagerness. Pablo Neruda also turns a figure apocrifa. -- --
Lupes husband becomes commanding, it grates on her, she longs for Jacinto.
Husband is involved in local politics with pico and the gringos. He invites the politicians and their wives over for tea.
Wife (Trying to be charming) well, we're not Hispanic.
Lupe we're not either.
They have fights. She can stand the thought of him touching her.
Her loneliness isolation are palpable
Jacinto stands outside Lupe's big house, staring in through the windows.
Inside its warm and cozy
Dogs bark
Husband why are the dogs barking? Margarito, go see what the fuss is about.
Margarito I acnt see anything
Jacinto gallops away.
Jacinto goes to all bar and sleeps with a prostitute, dance hall girl.
His loneliness isolation is palpable. He cries alone.
The City of Angels has earned the nickname "Los Diablos". Racial tension increases as vigilante committees lynch Mexican gunslingers, letting whites go free or allowing them to escape through transparent legal maneuvers. A deputy sheriff is charged with killing a hard-working family man named Ruíz and is acquitted. The deputy shoots Ruíz while attempting to repossess a guitar purchased on credit. The Los Angeles Rangers step into the tense situation that follows, the third vigilante group formed to deal with "Mexican bandits." The group is made up of 23 prominent judges, lawyers and others, including Horace Bell, Phineas Banning, Judge Benjamin Hayes and Mayor Stephen Foster, who briefly resigns his office to join. Those they take alive were given quick "justice" in the courtroom before being rushed to the nearby gallows.
Juan Jacinto escapes from San Quentin with a seasoned convict named Pancho Daniel. While fleeing south, they form a gang called Manillas--Handcuffs--made up of 50 fugitives, including former Angelino Andrés Fontes who joins the gang on the promise that Jacinto help him kill Los Angeles County Sheriff James R. Barton, who has earlier sent him to prison on a trumped-up charge.
Lupe and her nana pretend to gos hopping for some laces. She tells the nana that sheel be right back. She meets Jacinto and they kiss passionately, dangerously. Nana sees them but says nothing.
Lupe and Jacinto make plans to run off together
Jacinto Its all gone. They took it all.
She embraces him.
Lupe Im still here.
Jacinto youre not. Youre part of it.
Jacinto he is playing cards in ThE CANTINA. THE gringo cheats. Jacinto takes out a gun and shoots him. He runs away.Lynch is there, watching him, but is unable to catch him.
1856 - Newspapers are published in Los Angeles. La Estrella is bi-lingual and El Clamor Público is all in Spanish. El Clamor denounces the injustices against Mexicans. The Spanish language press has wide distribution with increased literacy. One tendency responds to the interests of the richest Anglo-Mexicans, the other is in the hands of the middle-working class and has nationalist and socialist tendencies.
1857- Between about 1850 and 1870, 35 public executions take place.
With a price on their heads, the Juan Jacinto's band hides out in the Crescenta Valley, which includes some of the most rugged and remote canyons in the Angeles National Forest. On the gang's trail with a five-man posse, Barton, a carpenter turned "lawman", stops at the rancho of Don Jose Sepúlveda, whose house stands at the head of Newport Bay. While the posse breakfasts, their guns are tampered with by a servant, Chola Martina, one of Jacinto's' sweethearts.
When the lawmen reach a spot about 300 yards southwest of where the Laguna Freeway now crosses San Diego Creek, nearly 20 Manillas ride downhill, bushwhacking them. The posse's guns are useless. Fontes shoots Barton three times in the heart, once through the right eye and again through the arm. Three other "lawmen" also are killed, while two escape.
Fear rises when word of the "Barton Massacre" reaches L.A. Hysterical citizens believe Jacinto and his cohorts are headed back to town "to murder white people."
A 119-man is posse formed, headed by Andrés Pico
Taken by surprise, Jacinto and 10 others scramble to the top of a 200-foot peak in Santiago Canyon, which now bears the his name. Jacinto escaped by riding his blindfolded horse down a steep 50-foot ledge, then using the brush growing on the hillside to climb to safety.
Shortly afterward, however, Jacinto and two companions are caught and sent to jail, but soon escape.
Recaptured four days later at Simi Pass, Jacinto is taken to Los Angeles At 2 p.m. on Valentine's Day in 1857, on wooden benches, there sits a crowd of 3,000 Angelinos--more than half the county's population--watching 22-year-old Jacinto slowly strangle because the amateur hangman has bungled the job. Nine other members of Jacinto' band are strung up from the heavy crossbeam over the gate at the Tomlinson and Griffith Corral & Lumberyard, while others go to prison.
More lynchings take place following Jacinto' execution, some of known bandits, others of innocents. Fontes escapes to México, where he is later killed, and Pancho Daniel is captured a year later. In the midst of his trial, a Gringo mob breaks into the jail and hangs him from the roof beam.
The grisly history of the Tomlinson and Griffith corral ends with the notorious Chinese Massacre of 1871, where a few of the 22 victims of an anti-Asian pogrom are hanged.
Bill Henderson walks into an apothecary with a box as skiing the owner to put the contents in formaldehyde. He takes out Jacinto cousin head out. Dissolve to poster advertising the head of the band Ito for dollar at the fair.
Lynch is killed by ???
1858 - Francisco Ramírez in El Clamor Público protests the seizure of lands and the cultural overpowering of the Mexicans by the U.S. Americans, and manifests his objections to the state of affairs. He lists 10 article of resistance.
1860 - Los Angeles becomes a multicultural city with Mexicans on the decline and U.S. Americans on the ascendancy. Mexicans now are 47.1%. Spanish continues to be the main language, acting as a lingua franca because the colonizers speak different tongues.
María Guadalupe Pérez dies. She was born in 1768, and her lifespan covered all the history of El Pueblo de Los Angeles, through the Colonial period, through the Mexican National
period and now the U.S. American period. Her granddaughter marries Andrés Pico.
1863 -La Junta Patritióca de Juárez patronizes Independence Day and 5 de Mayo.
Lupe has her baby, who is moreno like Jacinto, not blanco like her husband.
1863 -La Junta Patritióca de Juárez patronizes Independence Day and 5 de Mayo.
1870 -The Newspaper La Raza editorializes on Los Angeles's racial, spiritual and cultural ties with the Latin American people. At the same time a group of cultural, political and social associations and clubs define the Mexican cultural identity.
1875 -The mutualist society, that has disappeared during the war, begins again to aid in the construction of a hospital and the building of reserve capital to help those in need.
1876 - With the introduction of the railroad, Mexicans finally become a minority in Los Angeles.
1877 -La Crónica complains about public services, saying sanitation in the Mexican Barrio is inferior to that of the Anglo Barrio. It makes a call to the people to organize and act.
City Hall blames the Mexicans for a smallpox epidemic, saying they are "dirty". The newspaper El Demócrata denies the allegations, identifying only 21 cases in the Mexican community.
1878 -The 5 de Mayo parade is held, headed by Carrillo and the Junta, 200 members, La Guardia Zaragoza, and 10 units of political and social organizations. Unlike previous parades, which were mostly religious, it begins to take on a markedly social and political character.
1879 - The Mutualist Society proposes a Spanish-speaking school.
1880 -Segregation of Mexican and Anglo-American barrios is complete. Mexicans have to live near their workplace, in the worst areas and in shacks. The Barrios are formed; Main Street, the Los Angeles River. Mexicans are a necessary force for the economic development of the city. There is a group consciousness and pride in the Barrio. This helps to calm the tension provoked by economic instability, racism, and urbanization.
1884 -Lummis and his circle of friends at the LA Times create an image on Southern California compounded by a romanticized "Spanish" mission past (no mention of Mexicans or other natives) a politically conservative anti-labor, anti-union present, a racially homogeneous future and a perfect climate to attract more Anglos.
1887 - José Rodríguez in the newspaper El Jóven, protests the inequality of treatment by City Hall toward Mexicans.
1889 -Many Anglo-American observers predict the disappearance of the Mexican population in Southern California and the Southwest. The greatest achievement of the Mexican population at this time is its persistence and the defense of its cultural identity.
1895 - (c) Oil is discovered in Southern California. 2,000 wells are sunk in five years, adding to the boom and flooding more Anglos into the area.
1900 Los Angeles formally becomes a racist, apartheid city. Mexicans and Anglos are prohibited from living next to each other. Anglo-Americans are always in an advantageous position in relation to Mexicans in business, politics and in social circles. For that reason Mexicans prefer their own institutions and culture, where they find pride and dignity.
1901 - Henry Huntington unites the Pacific Railway Co and Pacific Electric and installs railroad cars. The city begins to expand. Los Angeles has a population of 102,479. Mexicans work in construction, in industry, in unskilled labor, and contribute greatly to the transformation of the city.
Dissolve. Lupe goes to hisw parents grave- there is a new grave, Jacinto's. She lays some flowers there.
She places his wooden carving alongside.
LAST SECENE. THERE IS FENCE BEING BUILT, THEN THEY PUT UP A SIGN.For later; the land claims commission swets up signs stating these land belong to the fed gov of the us. THE END
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