If anything has been learned from recent events is that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is replete with fake news,disinformation, and propaganda in the media, as a weapon to destabilize and create a public opinion that is consistent with US interests, forming an "empire of lies" against Russia, especially after the censorship and closing down of media such as RT.
In the US freedom of speech is only allowed when that speech corresponds to Washington's interests.
The great media corporations repeat and promote hate and an anti-Russian discourse , completely censoring any truth of the matter, or that which might reveal the actual interests of the US and the West, who financially and militarily support the Nazi regime in Ukraine.
For decades Bretton Woods has been in trouble, and the US capitalist structure is showing serious structural problems, at the same time that it is experiencing a deep economic recession and inflation, while Russia and China have been presenting fiscal surpluses creating peaceful economic and commercial relations with other countries, relations that are the envy of the world.
The US is applying a policy of wearing away and eroding to destabilize Russia with and endless number of coercive measures, in addition to moving NATO militarily in areas that were supposed to be neutral in an effort to keep making money. The patsy against Russia is Ukraine, and against China is Taiwan.
To say that Ukraine is defending its sovereignty is nonsense , because after the coup d'etat in 2014, Ukraine lost all pretense at neutrality with the installation of the Neo-Nazi regime (Victoria Nuland) controlled by the US and NATO members, all who have mobilized huge amounts of financial resources to acquire military armaments for the bonanza.
The only country involved that has made an effort towards diplomacy has been Russia, with many negotiating efforts, which have been sabotaged by Ukraine under US orders. Even the humane corridors to evacuate civilians have been proposed by Russia. The US does everything to prevent an accord between Russia and Ukraine so that it can make huge fortunes in selling war materiel, just as it did opportunistically during WWII where the US came out prosperous like never before, after the death and suffering of millions.
The hypocrisy of the US shows when Biden stopped the flow in Germany of the Nordstream 2 gas project while the US companies continued buying petroleum and gas from Russia even more than before. Now the US exports is exporting gas to Europe at 40% more than the Eurozone gets from Russia. At the same time the European Union is applying a series of coercive and illegal measures against the Russian economy, while NOT shutting off the SWIT system of the Russian banks, Sberbank and Gazprom, because those do the transactions of Russian gas for them.
The ones who are making great profit from the conflict are the great US and European oligarchies who don't give a fig for the suffering of the civilian population and the skyrocketing costs that make it impossible to live decently, (provoking immigration) and who have found in the Nazi government a suitable partner to carry out their mean-spirited interests.
Aside from the fact that Russia has for 30 years been insisting that the West respect the accords after the fall of the USSR and that they fulfill their agreement not to integrate neighboring countries into NATO, there have been 5 expansions toward Russian borders, placing military bases and missiles, ignoring and sabotaging Moscow's demands. Ukraine is considered next. For 8 years the Ukrainian government has been practicing genocide in the Russian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, in clear violation of the Minsk accords.
If the US and their NATO allies think that Russia is going to bow down and sacrifice is national security and accept these illegal and coercive measures they are much mistaken.